s Testing of solar cable performance|3 IN 1 Branch Connector
Testing of solar cable performance

Testing of solar cable performance

1. High temperature withstand voltage test (EN50618-H1Z2Z2-K, IEC62930)
Temperature (140±3), time 240min, k=0.6, the depth of indentation does not exceed 50% of the total thickness of insulation and sheath. And carry out AC6.5kV, 5min withstand voltage test, no breakdown.

2. Damp heat test
The samples were placed in an environment with a temperature of 90 °C and relative humidity of 85% for 1000 h. After cooling to room temperature, the change rate of tensile strength is less than or equal to -30%, and the change rate of elongation at break is less than or equal to -30% compared with before the test.

3. Acid and alkali resistance test (EN50618-H1Z2Z2-K, IEC62930)
The two groups of samples were immersed in oxalic acid solution with a concentration of 45 g/L and sodium hydroxide solution with a 40 g/L respectively at a temperature of 23 °C and a time of 168 h. Compared with the solution before immersion, the tensile strength change rate is less than or equal to ±30%, and the elongation at break is greater than or equal to 100%.

4. Compatibility test
After the whole cable is aged for 7×24h at (135±2), the change rate of tensile strength before and after insulation aging is ≤±30%, the change rate of elongation at break is ≤±30%; the change rate of tensile strength before and after aging of the sheath is ≤±30% -30%, change rate of elongation at break ≤±30%.

5. Low-temperature impact test (EN50618-H1Z2Z2-K, IEC62930)
The cooling temperature is -40, the time is 16h, the weight of the drop weight is 1000g, the importance of the impact block is 200g, the height of the drop weight is 100mm, and there should be no visible cracks on the surface.

6. Low temperature bending test (EN50618-H1Z2Z2-K, IEC62930)
The cooling temperature is (-40±2), the time is 16h, the diameter of the test rod is 4 to 5 times the outer diameter of the cable, and it is wound around 3 to 4 times. After the test, the sheath should have no visible crack surface.

7. Ozone resistance test
The sample length was 20 cm and was placed in a drying container for 16 h. The diameter of the test rod used in the bending test is (2±0.1) times the outer diameter of the cable. Test box: temperature (40 ± 2) , relative humidity (55 ± 5)%, ozone concentration (200 ± 50) × 10-6%, air volume: 0.2 to 0.5 times the box volume/min. Place the sample in the test chamber for 72 hours. After the test, there should be no visible cracks on the jacket surface.

8. Weather resistance/UV test
Each cycle: water spray for 18min, xenon lamp drying for 102min, temperature (65±3), relative humidity 65%, minimum power at wavelength 300400nm: (60±2)W/m2. After 720 hours, bend at room temperature test. The diameter of the test rod is 4 to 5 times the outer diameter of the cable. After the test, there should be no visible cracks on the jacket surface.

9. Dynamic Penetration Testing
At room temperature, the cutting speed is 1N/s, and the number of cutting tests: is four times. Each time the sample must be moved forward 25mm and rotated 90° clockwise. Record the penetration force F at the moment when the spring steel needle contacts the copper wire, take the average value 150·Dn1/2N (4mm2 section Dn=2.5mm)

10. Anti-dent
Take three sections of samples; each unit is 25mm apart, rotate 90°, four dents, the dent depth is 0.05mm, perpendicular to the copper wire. The three-section samples were placed in the test chambers at -15°C, room temperature, and +85°C for 3 hours, respectively, and then wound around the mandrel of each corresponding section. The mandrel diameter is (3±0.3) times the minimum outer diameter of the cable. Each sample has at least one score outside. No breakdown in AC0.3kV water immersion voltage test.

11. Sheath heat shrinkage test (EN50618-H1Z2Z2-K, IEC62930)
The sample cutting length L1=300mm, put it in a 120 oven for 1 hour, and then take it out to room temperature to cool. This cooling and heating cycle was repeated five times and finally cooled to room temperature. The thermal shrinkage of the sample is required to be less than or equal to 2%.

12. Vertical burning test
After the finished cable is placed at (60±2) for 4 hours, the vertical burning test specified in GB/T18380.12-2008 shall be carried out.

13. Halogen content test
pH and conductivity
Sample placement: 16h, temperature (21 ~ 25) , humidity (45 ~ 55)%. Two samples, (1000±5) mg each, were pulverized into particles below 0.1 mg. Airflow (0.0157·D2)l·h-1±10%, the distance between the combustion boat and the edge of the effective heating zone of the furnace must be 300mm, the temperature at the combustion boat must be 935. The temperature at 300m away from the combustion boat (airflow direction) must be 900 °C.
The gas generated by the test sample was collected by a gas washing bottle filled with 450ml (PH value 6.5±1.0; conductivity 0.5μS/mm) distilled water. Test time: 30min. Requirements: PH4.3; conductivity10μS/mm.

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